Forbes Smiley

Edward Forbes Smiley III (born April 13, 1956, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts) is an art thief. Formerly a collector of early and rare maps of the world and North America, Smiley was instrumental in building up two major collections that were subsequently donated to research libraries: the Lawrence H. Slaughter collection now in the New York Public Library and the Norman B. Leventhal Collection at the Boston Public Library. His knowledge, charm and charitable activities gained him the trust of several librarians and, in some cases, unsupervised access to their collections. He was found guilty in 2006 of stealing 97 rare maps originally valued at more than US$3 million. [1]


Thefts and arrest

On 8 June 2005, the discovery of an X-Acto knife on the floor of the reading room in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University led to his arrest. Although three maps on his person matched those missing from books he had just examined in the Beinecke, he protested his innocence. It was not until his court appearance a year later (22 June 2006) that he confessed to having stolen a total of 97 maps from six institutions — Boston Public Library, Harvard University (Houghton Library), Newberry Library (in Chicago), New York Public Library (the Rare Book and Map Divisions) and Yale University (Beinecke Library and Sterling Memorial Library) in the United States, as well as the British Library in London. At the time of his arrest the British Library had already identified him as a suspect and was about to call in the police. Smiley originally said he had been stealing maps for approximately seven years but later reduced that figure to four years.


At his federal sentencing on 27 September 2006, Judge Janet Bond Arterton took note of his cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation: "If you steal human treasures, then you will go to prison, but if you help recover them, this will be taken into account and weighed in the balance". Since all but ten of the 97 maps Smiley admitted stealing had been recovered, he was sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment. Later, in May 2007, he was ordered to pay US$2.3 million in restitution.[2] (The original valuation on the stolen maps had been over US$3 million.) Reported losses by a handful of leading dealers who had unwittingly sold stolen maps acquired from Smiley ran to more than US$400,000 each in three cases; no details have been given about any reimbursement. A second sentencing before a state judge, Richard Damiani, on 13 October 2006, confirmed the earlier sentence, though the judge was critical of the trust placed in Smiley's statements by his federal counterpart.


The case was widely covered across the United States and elsewhere. Because Smiley pled guilty, he was never cross-examined. Apart from the details he supplied himself, much of the available information came via journalists. Some suspected that Smiley had taken more maps than he admitted.[3] Each of the affected libraries issued lists of missing maps. Several of the entries matched copies of books, now without their maps, which Smiley had examined. For example, Smiley had admitted stealing from Harvard University an example of the map of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, illustrating a letter from Hernán Cortés (1524), but a prior photograph of the example missing from Yale's Beinecke Library proved instead that it was theirs.

Several questions remain unanswered, in particular about the origin and purpose of high quality facsimiles of early maps, some found on Smiley's person when he was arrested, others in books he examined.


As a result of Smiley's thefts, research libraries are now more aware of the vulnerability of maps illustrating volumes in their rare book collections and are tightening up their documentation and security procedures. At the same time they appreciate the importance to scholars of continued access to such works. The changes are most noticeable at Yale's Sterling Memorial Library, where a comprehensive program of cataloging and digitizing the early map collection is under way, funded largely by a donation of US$100,000 from William Reese, who had acted as Yale's advisor throughout the Smiley affair.

Smiley was not the first major map thief. Miles Harvey's book The Island of Lost Maps — notionally about Gilbert Bland — describes a number of earlier thieves, and two European thieves were active in or before 2001.[4] However, Smiley was almost certainly responsible for more financial and cultural loss than any of his predecessors.

Smiley was released from prison on January 15, 2010.[5]


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